AVAST32 program requires, in a few places, the specification of which areas, i.e. files, folders, possibly if the entire disks are to be tested. Therefore it contains the dialog which facilitates this activity. It enables the users to select also more folders or disks at the same time, whereby it makes the work with the program much easier.
The upper part of the dialog is practically the same as in the case of the standard dialog designed for the opening of the files, which forms a part of the operating system. Here, in the common way, the user selects the required file, folder, or possibly the entire disk, which he wants to select, and by pressing the "Add" button he will add the selected item into the list in the lower part of the dialog. This way the user will proceed until the list contains all the areas, which need testing.
If you made a mistake during your selection, or if you simply do not want to test any of the selected areas, simply remove it from the list. It can be removed by your first selecting it, and then by pressing the "Remove" button you would remove it from the list of the selected areas. The appropriate operation will not be performed with any area removed from the list.
Next to the name of the area is written if its subfolders should be tested too. If you would like to change this setting, click on name of the area with left mouse button. Test of subfolders is enabled by default in newly added areas.
If you have selected all of the areas required, by pressing the "OK" button you will start-up the performing of the operation in question. If you press the "Cancel" button (or if you close the dialog in any other way), the performing of the operation selected will be canceled, and the files selected will be ignored.